Principal's Message
At Mill Road Intermediate School we strive to meet the needs and to challenge all of our students. The faculty and staff believe that every child is unique, and that all can be successful. We believe it is our responsibility to help facilitate the development of each child's maximum potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally. We are committed to providing opportunities to help students make self-directed and responsible decisions.
The success of the transition to the Intermediate School is only possible with the cooperation and hard work from students, parents, and staff. It is our goal to provide students with the background and good work habits they will need to be successful here at Mill Road, at the secondary level and throughout life.
Parental support is a key ingredient to a child's success in school. You can also offer your support by volunteering and being an active member of our PTA. We look forward to our work with you and your child this school year. School personnel will communicate through conferences, newsletters and phone calls, but the school/home partnership is strengthened with two-way communication. We encourage you to contact us with your questions or concerns, as well.
Thank you for your support and please stay involved with your child's education. Together, we will create and maintain a safe, respectful and supportive learning environment for our students. We want our students to find school an enjoyable, meaningful and rich experience. We look forward to working with you on behalf of the children at Mill Road Intermediate School.
Very truly yours,
Brian Boyd